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Staff and Employment

There are 3 main types of child care staff: Care Workers, Summer Interns, and a Summer Activities Coordinator.  Most staff stay with us for 1-2 years after completing or beginning college. 

Staff Helping Youth Fix the Deck

Care Worker
1. A willingness to emphasize and to be a model for Christian living.
2. High School diploma or its equivilent.  College education is preferred.
3. Valid drivers license with regular insurability to drive company vehicles
4. Good general health
5. A concern for children and youth who have been neglected in their own home background
6. Ability to lead and give direction
7. Ability to follow and receive direction when appropriate
8. Enthusiasm and support of appropriate activities
9. Attitude of genuine caring for the residents

Staff Helping Youth Carve Pumpkins

Specific Duties of a Care Worker
1. Responsible to meet each resident's physical, social, emotional, and spiritual needs.
2. Directly responsible for establishing limits and granting privileges.
3. To accurately observe and record significant behavior relating to the progress or regression of individuals within the cottage group.
4. To share information and work cooperatively with other staff members.
5. Directly responsible for all discipline in their cottage, remembering that the purpose of discipline is to assist the residents to learn self-control.
6. Responsible to establish daily cottage routines which can become learning experiences for each resident, as well as provide and promote feelings of predictability and security.  Examples are consistent meal times, bed times, study times, household chores, appropiate dress, and other routine, cottage activities.
7.  Willing to listen and respond to each resident in a warm and accepting way, learning to understand and appreciate unique feelings.
8. To provide activities suitable to the resident's abilities, thereby assisting and promoting the growth of positive feelings and wholesome self-esteem.
9. Aware of personal strengths and weaknesses, taking into account one's own abilities, emotions, and needs when relating to residents and fellow staff members.
10. A flexible person who can accept more specifically assigned duties as the needs and requirements may change.

Staff Checking on Homework

"Being at Grace has been the best thing that could ever happen to me.  There are so many people who are willing to help me, not because they want anything, but just because they feel this is what God is calling them to do."
Cassie, former resident

Summer Activities Coordinator
The Summer Activities Coordinator is hired before summer begins and runs the Summer Activity Program (SAP).  The goal of the SAP is to provide learning experiences for the youth in a combined program of work and recreation to promote appropriate social behavior and interaction.
The Summer Activities Coordinator creates and plans work and recreation activities for the youth.  The care workers and interns help lead the activities generating enthusiasm and by serving as role models for appropriate social behavior. 
Specific work-related tasks to accomplish on campus are designed to maintain the grounds, as well as to make minor improvements.  While accomplishing this, it is our goal to help build work skills for our youth that they can use in the future.  Our goals in this program include efforts to:
1. Promote appropriate work habits
2. Teach appropriate work skills
3. Encourage safety in work practices
4. Create a positive work experience
5. Inspire pride in completing tasks
6. Provide an opportunity to earn money and learn the value of money, as well as the procedure in obtaining it

Youth Leveling Dirt to Grow Grass

Typical work activites are maintaining the grounds by mowing and landscaping, improving the facilities at a nearby camp, and community improvement projects.  Common recreation activities are playing frisbee, capture the flag, group bike rides, and swimming at the local pool. 
Our daily evaluations of youth in the work program involve the following areas:
1. Attitude - Manner of carrying oneself: Disposition
2. Cooperation - Working and acting together for common goals
3. Reliability - Dependability, trustworthiness
4. Peer Relations - Getting along appropriately with peers
5. Language - Appropriate Communication
6. Work Rules - Following instruction, being nonphysical, etc.

High Ropes Course at a Camp

Summer Intern Program
There are many things a student can expect to learn during an internship at Grace Children's Home.  Likewise, the Children's Home expects to benefit from the fresh, enthusiastic input that college students bring.  Because a student does become so involved with our program, we request that the commitment for the internship include the entire summer - June through August.  (Arrangements can be made for exceptional circumstances.)
A list of potential experiences within our program of Residential Care includes:
1. Participate in the admissions and intake process
2. Attend staff meetings and training sessions
3. Observe and participate in the cottage group process
4. Observe and record significant behavior and events in daily logs and charts
5. Attend "chart meetings"
6. Organize and participate in group activities
7. Plan menus and prepare balanced meals
8. Assist in fulfilling daily household duties
9. Participate in education and Christian education opportunities
10. Work closely with child care staff to provide a therapeutic cottage atmosphere
11. Participate in writing process reports of the residents
12. Attend court hearings as appropriate
13. Observe and research the functioning of the agency including policy and administration

"Proper family adjustments today create healthier families for generations to come." Chuck Patrie, Executive Director

Designed by Andrea Patrie
Copyright 2008, Grace Children's Home